Website creation / webdesign

Webdesign agency

Website conception

A really beautiful and useful website is your first seller

Should you create or rent your website?

Website development


Having your website created by Le Juste Web

Purchase of a website

You only pay once.

Once we have delivered your site, it is yours, and you owe us nothing. No monthly subscription with us. The only thing to pay is the annual hosting of your website on the web server.

Fast website loading

Your site loads fast.

We optimize all our websites so that they load really fast. And for a simple reason: the faster a website loads, the better it ranks in search engines. You will never get such a good position with turnkey websites that you rent each month, because they are cluttered with a lot of useless code.

Scalable website

Your site is scalable.

Even once we have delivered and put your website online, it is absolutely not frozen. So if you want to add new sections and pages, or propose new services, we are here to make your website evolve and update it. If you grow internationally, we set up translated versions of your site in just a few days.

Time saving

You save time.

Indeed, since you pay us to design your website, we take care of everything. Thinking, coding, defining the sitemap, refining graphics, testing on mobile phones, tablets and computers. You do your job, and we do ours. With a turnkey site, you should do everything on your own. Are you sure having the know-how?

Sitemap definition

The sitemap of your pages is well thought out.

Indeed, each one its job, and yours is not to know how to define the tree/sitemap of your website, and distribute the content on this or that page, or in this or that section. Le Juste Web have experience in creating the best sitemap, and know how many pages are good for your business, and how long they need to be. We have commercial flair and marketing skills, as well as many years of experience in several communication agencies.

Choice of keywords

Keywords are carefully chosen.

We know how to write interesting texts for your visitors, and choose the right keywords that will be relevant to your business. Defining a SEO strategy and knowing how to link the pages of your site is a mission that is familiar to us. Conversely, poorly choosing the keywords of a website condemn it to page 9+ of the Google SERP !

Text rephrasing

Your texts are rewritten and rephrased without being distorted.

We rework and optimize your texts so that they are perfectly clear to your visitors, with the sufficient level of detail to meet the search engines quality criteria. Knowing how to rephrase and rewrite your content to make it considered relevant and interesting by your visitors is vital, because search engines evaluate the quality of your texts to determine your rank in the same way as humans do. Web editor is a job (and it's ours)!

Website archive

You can recover your site at any time.

Ask us for a copy of your site or source code files: we will give them to you instantly. This is safe for you. Conversely, turnkey sites are hosted on closed servers: you cannot recover nothing, no file, no image, no text.

Adapted hosting servers

Our hosting servers are optimized.

Our hosting platforms are configured to run your site at best. Due to the fact that we control all the chain (from texts to hosting while including coding), we exactly know which parameters to finetune so that your site works perfectly 24h a day. You will not have that with a turnkey site, whose technical configuration is inherently generic.

Legal stuff

We take care of the legal stuff.

The Disadvantages

Rent your turnkey website

Paid site

Your site is not free.

"Free" is an appealing offer: you will have a basic site, but as soon as you will want to add some functions (which seem obvious to you), you will have to pay 5 € more here, 10 € over there. Every month. And if you stick with the free formula, the provider will add its logo at the bottom of your website, which gives an amateur taste to your business, and does not entrust to your visitors. And to sell your services, trust is essential. Conversely, the websites we develop all have an absolutely professional aspect, and your visitors perceive this pledge of seriousness, which works in your favor.

Long loading time

Your site is long to load.

Turnkey websites are designed this way: a service provider develops a website template once, then offers you to choose the look of your website from a few dozens of different designs. Exactly like different bodies around the same engine. The problem is that this website engine is not designed for you nor for anyone: it is assumed to suit everyone. You understand that a single car engine is not suitable for a sedan, an SUV or a city car. The immediate consequence of such a website is that it takes a long time to load because it is bloated with a huge amount of useless code and resources: this makes your website slow to load and it degrades your SEO in search engines. Indeed, the loading speed of a website is an essential criterion to have it rank high in Google. And even if your site "seems" to load fast, do not believe it: Search engines take into account the loading speed to the milliseconds (ms). Thus, a site that loads in 2200 ms (2.2 seconds) or 1800 ms (1.8 seconds) will not have the same ranking at all. Our sites are really optimized and configured to be very fast to load.

Lost website

You have nothing.

A turnkey website is coded and hosted by a provider on its own servers. As long as you rent and pay each month, everything goes fine: your website is accessible. But as soon as you stop paying your subscription every month, you do not recover anything: absolutely no file, no image, no content. You are totally bound to this provider, and if you have to leave, you lose everything. So, you rent something that will never belong to you. The websites created by Le Juste Web belong to you, and we even give you the codes to recover everything if we ever disappear one day.

Important amount of time

You have to spend a lot of time.

At first, you will be seduced to add some text and pictures on your homepage. And then quickly, you will want to change some things, the design, move an item, and see that the page does not display well on a phone, and you will spend hours doing tests / errors. You are a professional in your activity field, but you do not have the required experience to choose one design over another, and you are putting the graphic consistency of your website at risk: this will make the information confusing. A design choice isn't just about choosing colors; it is in reality a complex alchemy which is based on knowledge of advertising and cognitive psychology (Internet users are humans and have different reactions depending on certain choices of colors, locations, options offered, etc.). Choosing what to put, where, why, and how, is our job. We know from experience what works best and what have to be avoided. Because in the end, the only person you may disappoint is your visitor. And a disappointed visitor will never become one of your customers. So, your site is playing against you!

Sitemap choice

You are alone to define your website sitemap.

Organizing content is often harder than you may think. You will have to make choices, prioritize certain pages, and ask yourself regularly if it is better to present such text or button in a way A, or in another way B ... You might think that a turnkey website gives you the opportunity to change this at any time: it is true, but that is precisely what you should NOT do! Indeed, structuring your website in one way or another is not trivial: every time you change the structure of your site and its content, search engines change its ranking, and can even start from scratch. In this case, all your pages that ranked at the top of Google results will be relegated on page 6, 7 or more, which is a real disaster for your SEO, and for your business.

Write SEO texts

You are the sole redactor for your site.

Choosing keywords, their redundancy and the ideal repetition rate is extremely difficult. Too little, and your site will never be found by Internet users. Too much, and your site will then be considered as poor quality by the search engines, which will see you as a cheater, and will penalize its ranking, sometimes permanently. Writing content, rephrasing texts and choosing the right level of detail requires editorial skills that you will find at Le Juste Web. All this is your SEO strategy: we know how to do it for you, and probably better ... but we have no merit: it is our job and not yours! If you think your texts are not optimal, get in touch with our team now: we can save your day!

Avoid the RPO formula

Keep away from RPO (Rental with Purchase Option).

This is a dishonest formula offered by multiple providers, to have you rent a website for a very cheap amount each month, but binding you with a 3 to 5 year contract! When you have finished paying for your site, it will belong to you, but it will be completely out of date, and you will not have anyone to maintain it. The provider will be reluctant to give you an archive, or will skillfully suggest you to move it towards something more modern, and you will get in the same process, with an equally constraining contract. Plus, it is extremely expensive. As an example, a website that we will sell for 1500 € Ex. VAT will cost you between 4000 and 5000 € in RPO! To flee absolutely!.

Our webdesign methodology

  • Nice and beautiful
  • Easy to use
  • Useful and relevant to your visitors
  • Fast to load on all devices
  • And that generates quote requests and sales.

  1. Understanding your business

    We understand your business.

  2. Design a website sitemap

    We design your website sitemap.

  3. Rewriting text content

    We rewrite and optimize your text contents.

  4. UI / UX design

    We choose a suitable design.

  5. Coding

    Coding and programming of your website.

  6. Optimizing the loading speed

    We optimize the lightness and loading speed of your website.

  7. Website upload

    We deliver your website and put it online.

How much does a website cost?

  • Students, as motivated as they are, do not have enough experience. They propose to create websites for a small fee, but they often only created 2 or 3 sites before yours. This lack of experience guarantees a large number of operating problems, performance, poor SEO, and a website that is not pleasant to use by your visitors. Le Juste Web has created and worked on more than 420 sites for all types of customers: it has led us to meet hundreds of particular cases, and each time, we improved our processes and nourished our experience. And we really learn every day. So we can seem to argue our cause, but know that it is the truth: experience is essential, because a website project really involves many problems that raise and must be managed and solved. People proposing to "quickly set-up a WordPress" are a serious ones.
  • Freelancers who lower their prices for "getting the job" are to flee absolutely: certainly, you do not pay a high price, but tomorrow, when you need something, there will be no one on the phone ... because they have disappeared from circulation, as their activity was not profitable enough. You will be left with a "low-cost" website which nobody will provide maintenance on. If you are in this case, contact our team, because we are able to offer you the best solution to maintain your site or update it, without totally losing your initial investment.
  • Large web agencies employing multiple sales people, developers and graphic designers are paying significant salary costs. They are therefore forced to inflate the price of their services to support each of their employees. Our team is small, and we charge an average of 3 times cheaper than these agencies, some of whom sometimes practice whimsical prices.
Price of a website

A Responsive website for all devices

  • A fast loading website
  • A clear presentation
  • A 100% compliant design that fit your branding image
  • A satisfaction of all your visitors, from their mobile, tablet, and computer
Benefits of an adaptive / responsive site

BENEFITS of an adaptive / responsive site

RISKS of a non-responsive website

Website optimized for SEO

We work on your website SEO

  • A site whose text content is interesting, relevant, and of high quality
  • A site that looks great on mobiles, tablets, and computers
  • A site that loads quickly

Your site is yours

Does my site belong to me?

Am I alone in case of a breakdown or incident?

Hosting on high performance servers.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

Automatic backups and backups.

Continuous monitoring and automatic alerts.

You can always reach us.

Backup and support

All the functions you can think of ... and more!

  • Instant online payments with the PayPal payment module, open to everyone
  • Blogs and news articles that allow you to enrich your website
  • Customer testimonials that display stars in search engines
  • Planning, calendar, and online booking features
  • Promotions, special offers and personalized coupons
  • Quizzes and satisfaction surveys
  • Document sharing features for your staff
  • Contact forms that limit spammer requests, to avoid polluting your mailbox.
  • Multiple languages on your website, with a very simple switch from one to another
  • And yes, of course: much more! Contact our team to let us know about your project.
Scalable website

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Your privacy is precious: we respect it.

NOTE: Your changes will be applied from the next page you will visit/load.

By using this website, you consent that we use technologies such as anonymous statistics and cookies to improve your browsing experience on our site, customise content, and analyse our traffic. This anonymous information may be shared with our trusted social media and analytics partners.

  • We do not collect any nominative data.
  • We do not store any password.
  • We use a high-end secure connection.