Classic ASP support, maintenance and development

Classic ASP Developer

Ensure your mission-critical applications are up

Classic ASP Logo - Active Server Pages

HTTP request flow inside Microsoft IIS

Classic ASP is here to stay.
So we are.

 Get in touch with us

Microsoft Classic ASP ecosystem

Maintaining your ASP Classic makes your investments sustainable

Classic ASP Lifecycle on Windows Server platform

✅ Microsoft IIS totally handles Classic ASP

Microsoft Classic ASP support

We support your Classic ASP

5 x faster Database Access Speed

 Get in touch with us

We know how to deal with the following layers of your infrastructure:

Microsoft® IIS
ASP Classic
ActiveX Components
Windows Server 2003/2008
Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022

Veeam BR
VMWare ESXi (vSphere Hypervisor)

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft® JScript
Microsoft® Access
LJW LogAnalyzer®


Zurb Foundation

In which cases is it relevant to maintain and develop your Classic ASP?

Many systems and sites have been developed in Classic ASP. This language being very widespread, it was used in the same way as the PHP today: sometimes in a correct way, sometimes in a more lax way. The consequence is that many mistakes were made by the first Classic ASP developers. Poor final product quality and messy user experience has unfortunately been very common, leading to bottlenecks, delays, session or security issues, as well as expensive database accesses. Classic ASP is often described as a "bad language", just like PHP... wrongly. After all, every language is only a tool, and it is quite possible to develop poorly, even in C ++.

Our experience with ASP 3 makes us the specialists you need to solve these malfunctions, as they are absolutely not a fatality. We pinpoint the problems that affect your ASP code execution. Well developed, Classic ASP site / application has absolutely no blush, and offers really excellent performance. Let us help you rediscover the potential of your existing codebase through our work of optimization, redesign, streamlining, troubleshooting or rewriting.

Add the missing piece to your Classic ASP infrastructure

Consider maintaining your Classic ASP in the following cases

Our Classic ASP maintenance and support service is ideal if you need to achieve one of the following:


Fine-tune your Windows and IIS server configuration

Our area of expertise is not limited to your source code. Thus, we are also competent to improve the server infrastructure in charge of executing your scripts, including:

Our full-stack approach keeps you away from the following bad practices

We understand the business implications of each project before coding anything. This unique skills mix makes us able to provide a very end-to-end approach.

It is quite common that too much Classic ASP developers have coded "On-the-go". This can result in unstructured and messy scripts that are hard to evolve, and sometimes almost unmanageable. This introduces useless complexity in code structure, while ignoring the use of beneficial OOP (Object-Oriented-Programming) concepts. But the ASP platform is not flawed by design. We use it in an efficient manner on a daily basis, and are able to produce 100% clean code.

Here are some of the most common glitches your existing code may suffer from. If you are in one of the following cases, your code can benefit from our rewriting service:

3DSecure V2 Payment Integration

Why you should prefer Classic ASP over ASP.NET

How to choose between Classic ASP and ASP.NET

Classic ASP strengths over ASP.NET

Classic ASP Source code snippet

Do not throw away your code!

What is it possible to achieve with Classic ASP?

Classic ASP Source code snippet

We are regularly astonished at the sneers our customers get when the mention their Classic ASP system. C, COBOL or assemby are old, and still widely used. In fact, just because Classic ASP is old does not mean it is worn out… nothing could be further from the truth ! Our experience allows us to perform the maintenance of your ASP system, as the recovery and migration of your application, in the best conditions. We assure you to be able to evolve very quickly, while preserving and valuing your past investments and existing assets.

Classic ASP has standed the test of time. Why ? Simply because it's a powerful platform still delivering the expected results. For more than 22 years, our expertise in Classic ASP development led us to maintain more than 420 large or medium ASP sites, intranets and enterprise systems, hosted on different servers; we are qualified to integrate 2024 web technologies into your Classic ASP website, for example:

Moreover, you should stop thinking that Classic ASP is unable to deliver modern UI/UX. On the contrary, it is more than capable of it! Being more than pure academic and algorithmic programmers, we are perfectly skilled to produce nice user experiences using the cutting edge latest technologies (Ajax, JSON, SVG, CSS4, Responsiveness, …).

Handle accented characters predictably

Dealing with international characters and diacritics in Classic ASP can be painful. But not for us. We have built a solid knowledge in this field. Consequently, we are accustomed to deal with multiple charsets, and the UTF-8 charset is our preferred one as it allows your Classic ASP app to handle international characters with confidence and reliability.

Take advantage of our skills to put in place a strong (re)foundation in your source code, and finally make all the components sing in unison. The improvements we make on your source code will ensure that every international character is properly received, encoded, stored, and displayed, both in your webpages (ASP, HTML, Javascript) and in your database systems.

If you are using MySQL or MariaDB databases, you know that the UTF8_UNICODE_CI encoding is actually not fully compliant with the UTF8 standard. We have the required knowledge to correctly convert your database to the UTF8_MB4 format, allowing you to reliably store a larger number of characters, like emojis ☺️ !

Classic ASP can use the power of Javascript

JScript source code into Classic ASP script

VBScript source code into Classic ASP script

Using external API services from Classic ASP

 Do you need to use an external API from ASP 3?
Get in touch with our team!
Use DHL API from ASP Classic
Use Onelogin API from ASP Classic
Use Zendesk API from ASP Classic
Use Paypal API from ASP Classic
Use Woocommerce API from ASP Classic
Use Google Calendar API from ASP Classic
Use Google Drive API from ASP Classic
Use Atlassian Jira API from ASP Classic
Use Shopify API from ASP Classic
Use Stripe API from ASP Classic
Use Sugar Crm API from ASP Classic
Use Amazon API from ASP Classic
Use Shipstation API from ASP Classic
Use Gmail API from ASP Classic
Use Jumpcloud API from ASP Classic
Use Laybuy API from ASP Classic
Use Microsoft Dynamics Crm API from ASP Classic
Use Iadvize API from ASP Classic
Use Dropbox API from ASP Classic
Use Docusign API from ASP Classic

Our Classic ASP source code rewriting service

Tremendously improve your Classic ASP execution speed !

Programmers team

Our ASP scripts Rewriting process

VBScript source code sample

Goodbye Internet Explorer!

Internet Explorer

Which parameters can improve the performance of Classic ASP?

Server-side source code optimization

Server-side source code optimization


Deportable code & URL rewriting

Parallelization of processings


Code patterns

Client-side source code optimization

Javascript client-side code

Client-side port

Minify and group resources

Cookies optimization

Expiry headers

Images compression

Notes on COM+ Components / DLLs usage in ASP scripts

COM+ ActiveX Components
Microsoft COM+
ImageMagick COM+ Object Library

Maintenance & evolution of VBScript / WSH CRON tasks

VBScript CRON tasks

Classic ASP with PHP Interoperability

PHP logo

Is it possible to run Classic ASP on Linux?

Mono Project

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